Monday 18 February 2008

Black + White = Blues Liner Notes #2

Since 1985, the Chairman of Birmingham Jazz, the dynamic Tony Dudley-Evans, has arranged a free, weekly jazz recital for local fans to enjoy, and act as a platform for new groups starting out. It started at the Strathallan Hotel in Edgbaston on Sunday lunchtimes. A change of management policy at the Hotel unfortunately dictated a move elsewhere after about five years. After migrating through a succession of city centre pubs, such as the Fiddle & Bone in Sheepcote Street, the session was moved to early Friday evenings at Bonedangles pub on Ludgate Hill, to catch the city commuters on the way home and give them a pleasant wind-down at the end of a busy working week.

When these local arrangements came to an end, negotiations were made with the Symphony Hall to provide a more secure and permanent central venue, and the gig was re-named the Rush Hour Blues. The artists and repertoire have come from a whole range of ages, places and styles: in fact anything that can be known as Jazz. This has proved a very happy collaboration between Birmingham Jazz and the Symphony Hall, enabling the Hall to promote their future ticketed concerts at the same time as the free gig. Strong links have also been developed with members of the nearby Birmingham Conservatoire, and students on its Jazz course.

From about half past three on a Friday, the Symphony Hall Foyer is set up like a jazz club, with numerous round tables and comfy chairs, not to mention the nearby extensive bar facilities, providing the nearest thing to a Birmingham jazz club you can imagine. Groups of friends have started to occupy 'their' regular table every Friday and many friendships have sprung up among the kindred spirits of all ages attending.

Dr Peter Gore

(c) 2008

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